Online Tarot Readings with Atima

How it Works

Your 60 minute reading is an interactive conversation between you, Atima and your higher power via Google Hangout. You'll walk away with a deep understanding of each card's meaning, how the cards apply to your situation, and action steps you can take to manifest your desired outcomes.


  • $200 for 60 minutes

  • Within 24 hours of scheduling your reading, you will receive a link via email to make payment. Once you pay, your appointment will be fully confirmed.

A Beloved Experience


"I just want to say thank you. I'm really appreciative of this. The way that you read tarot is unlike anything I've experienced. The time, the consideration, the effort, the messages — you allowed me to get a deeper understanding of myself." ~ Sance



My tarot readings are informed by my studies with the following teachers:

  • Ellen Goldberg of The School of Oracles

  • Lindsay Mack of Soul Tarot School

  • Mary Jo Cranmore of Soulful Revolution

💫 ☀️ 🌙